10 Most Interesting Companies In The World

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#3 AeroMobil

There’s virtually nothing that piques our interest more than the thought of flying cars. Ever since we saw Back to the Future three decades ago, we couldn’t wait for 2015 to arrive with its flying cars, hoverboards, and self-fitting clothes, even as we scoffed at the absurdity of the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series. Well, the Cubs won the Series (a year late), and flying cars are coming not far behind, with AeroMobil poised to be the first to bring one to market.

If you haven’t been keeping up with flying car development, you may be shocked to discover that one is very close to release. Yes, AeroMobil, a Slovakian company, has a legitimate flying car in development that has been undergoing flight-testing for over two years. Amusing enough to finds its place on the list of most interesting companies in the world? The company is tentatively planning to start accepting pre-orders for the vehicles this year, and could begin delivering them in the next two-to-three years. The vehicle, which is expected to have a $400,000+ sticker price, can transform from a plane into a car in seconds, runs on regular gas, and can fit into a parking space like any other car; which it is anything but. Yes people, the future has arrived, and we’re living in it.

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