9. Orthopedic Surgery
The demand for orthopedics is mainly driven by the rise in the number of patients who need total knee and hip replacement. The demand for hip arthroplasties will rise by 174% and the demand for knee arthroplasties will jump by 673% by 2030. Currently, there are 19,145 orthopedic surgeons in the US and while different organizations predict that there will be a shortage of orthopedics in the following years, there are no exact numbers about the expected difference between future demand and supply. The deficit will be also partly caused by the fact that many orthopedic surgeons will retire as more than a half all orthopedics are 55 or older. According to Medscape, orthopedics is the highest paying specialty with an annual wage of $443,000. Despite this, less than a half of bone doctors are satisfied with the income.
