10 Most Generous Companies In The US

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  1. Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS): $276.4 million
  2. Goldman Sachs is engaged in providing investment banking, investment management, and other financial services globally. ‘Goldman Sachs Gives’ is a program designed to nurture innovative ideas, solving economic and social issues, and enabling the progress of global communities. The program has reached out to over 4,000 non-profits in 80 countries and has made more than $1 billion in grants. The company has touched the lives of millions of people globally through its various initiatives like 10,000 Women and 10,000 Small Businesses. With more than $276 million in cash donations in 2015 the company was the fourth-most generous company in the US. Goldman Sachs has returned more than 200% since its inception and also pays regular dividends to its shareholders.

    Follow Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS)

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