10 Most Generous Companies In The US

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  1. Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX): $225 million
  2. Though Chevron’s donations declined by 7% in 2015, it still ranked as the sixth-largest corporate giver in the US. Chevron Corporation, which is an American energy giant, gave $225 million as cash donations in 2015. The company focuses strongly on education and workplace training programs. Chevron contributes $200,000 a year to the Training for Better Integration scholarship program, to help disabled young people gain access to the job market. It also supports economic development for women in Latin America and the treatment of AIDS in African countries. The stock has returned more than 140% since its listing and currently has a dividend yield of 3.88%.

    Chevron Corporation (NYSE:CVX), Sign, gass station, logo, Symbol, oil, fuel

    Ken Wolter / Shutterstock.com

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