Lists-News 10 Most Forested States in the US Published on April 21, 2015 at 5:08 pm by Nina Zdinjak in Lists, News Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 10Next >>See All 9. WashingtonTotal forestland in million acres: 22,387 Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 2 of 10Next >>See All TexastreesIdahoAlaskaOregonnatureMontanaAlabamaGeorgiaecologyforestsColoradoSlideshowCaliforniaforestfiresList XFinanceforestland areaStates with most wildfiresentire forestland in the USMost forested states in the USStates with most trees in the USstates with the most forest fires“wealthiest” states in the USforests around the world are at riskStates in the US that have most forestsStates in the US that have most fores landStates in the US with most National ForestsWhich state in the US is the most forested?States in the US that have most natural wondersif every person on this planet would plant a single tree?Show more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles10 Most Beautiful States in the US10 Smallest States in the US by population 10 Biggest States in the US by Population 10 Largest Cattle Producing States in the US6 Tallest Roller Coasters in America10 Largest Farming States in the US