10 Most Expensive Yoga Mats: Are They Worth It?

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4. Manduka PRO Yoga Mat

Price: $326

This is by far one of the most expensive mats out there, but judging from the reviews, it’s all worth it. The mat is available in a multitude of colors so you should be able to find something that suits your likes among the many shades being offered, including various tones of black, gray, blue and more.

The Manduka PRO Yoga Mat is Oeko-Tex certified, offering superior wear and longevity. The ¼ inch thick mat provides a comfortable cushion for the spine, hips, knees and elbows even when placed on hard floors. Even when wet from heavy perspiration, the mat is slip resistant, which makes it a safe one to use for your exercises, no matter if you’re thinking of yoga or another type of mat-based activity.

Since this is a thick mat, rolling it up will make it quite massive, not to mention heavy. Then again, however, it won’t matter all that much if you’re going to fully enjoy your routine on this comfortable premium mat. The $326 price tag is reserved for the 71-inch version, although a longer, 85-inch version, is also available for purchase.

All in all, this is definitely one of the 10 most expensive yoga mats In the end, it’s up to you whether you believe these mats are worth it or not, but there are thousands of people out there who swear by them so they should be good for something.

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