10 Most Expensive Yoga Mats: Are They Worth It?

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1. Yoga Watermat

Price: $699 (plus $99 shipping)

This is a pretty complex mat, but if you want to practice yoga while floating around in your pool or the nearby lake, then you’ll need one of these. The WaterMat is 84 by 36 inches, and 3.25 inches thick and it comes with a 12 ft strap with a snap hook for anchoring so you don’t just drift away.

Doing your yoga exercises in the pool or on the lake seems like a pretty nice thing, but you should keep in mind just how much extra careful you need to be about your balance so you don’t take unnecessary dives into the water. This is already a pretty expensive mat, and there’s a pretty expensive cost for getting it to you too, as we noted above. Overall, it’s one of the 10 most expensive yoga mats.

yoga-815288_1280 10 Most Expensive Yoga Mats: Are they Worth It?

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