10 Most Expected Wearable Devices in 2016

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6. Apple Watch 2

With Apple surprisingly not releasing the sales figures of the Apple Watch from 2015, the Apple Watch and its supposed successor, Apple Watch 2, are swirling wildly around the tech rumor mills. There has not been a word from Apple, but people are already highly anticipating the release of the second watch. Rumor has it that production is slated to start late January of this year after Chinese sources are said to have confirmed the information.

According to the said report that appeared on this site recently, Apple will launch the Watch by April alongside launching the latest of the iPhone models. Of course, with nothing set in stone, speculations abound and the fabled new Apple Watch model is driving tech-savvy citizens wild with excitement. But all this buzz for something shrouded in so much misery can only be good for the company; without anyone having any idea how it looks like it is still one of the most expected wearable devices in 2016.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Logo, Sign on a building, brand, company, architecture 10 Most Expected Wearable Devices in 2016

pio3 / Shutterstock.com

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