10 Most Exclusive Secret Societies in America

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1. Council for National Policy

The Council for National Policy or CNP is a Public policy think tank founded in 1981 with educational purposes organised under Section 501, yet there is quite some level of secrecy about the Council which claims that does not perform lobbying, does not perform fundraising for political candidates and that it does not  issue public policy statements on controversial issues. Reading the CNP’s agenda, one realizes that the goals set by the Council require all the above in order to be achieved. So, if not this, what the 600 most powerful conservative business people, Nation’s leaders coming from a wide spectrum of governmental posts, media representatives and organized religion do all together when meet?

Most Exclusive Secret Societies in America - Council for the National Policy

Lisa S./Shutterstock.com

This is the list of the 10 most exclusive secret societies of America, which you find most threatening for your civil liberties and rights?

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