10 Most Evil Scariest Names for Male and Female Babies

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1. Hashtag Follow

Even though addiction to Twitter is yet to be diagnosed, these parents are definitely social media junkies. This here is the virtual equivalent of a drug addict naming their kid “Heroin Cocaine”, an over eater calling their child “Muffin cupcake”, or a sex addict christening their son or daughter “Blowjob Anal”; it just isn’t right. And yet, “Hashtag Follow” is still one of the most evil, scariest names for male and female babiesmost evil, scariest names for male and female babies of them all! Beware, Mom and Dad, Black Mirror  (best -and scariest- show ever) is coming for you!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this poor children’s eternal damnation; now go give your parents a hug and thank them for naming you “Gary”, instead of “Anus”!

10 Most Evil Scariest Names for Male and Female Babies

Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock.com

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