10 Most Evil Elected Presidents Who Killed the Most People

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1. Adolf Hitler, Germany

Total Death Toll: 15,500,000

I don’t need to tell you what Hitler did, you know what he did, otherwise you wouldn’t be looking at this list. What you might not know -whether you choose to believe it or not- is that he was in fact voted President by the people in 1932. True, folks were scared sh*tless at the time, and opposing him was almost as definitive as suicide, but still, a LOT of people supported him, and he did win the elections, which makes him number 1 in the 10 most evil elected presidents who killed the most people list, with a death toll of 15,500,000.

Furthermore, Necrometrics says “These numbers only include outright murders, but keep in mind that some 28M civilians and 14M soldiers died in the European War. That’s 42,000,000 deaths which can probably be blamed on Hitler to one extent or another.” If that were correct (although I think it’s a long stretch), he’d also be ahead of Mao, who is considered to be the biggest killer in history.

10 Most Evil Elected Presidents Who Killed the Most People

Everett Historical/Shutterstock.com

Now, to end with a reflection I’m taking you back to Philip Morris, who I mentioned in the intro, because throughout history tobacco has killed more people than World War I and World War II together. Now I almost feel sorry for the guys on this list; they tried, but I think we know who gets the biggest killer award in the end, right?

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