10 Most Evil and Hated Dictators of All Time

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3. Adolf Hitler

Nazi Germany

Years in Power: 1934-1945

Perhaps the most famous on our list of 10 most evil and hated dictators in history, the Nazi Chancellor of Germany is a man everyone is familiar with. Hitler first officially came to power as head of state in 1934, although he had an enormous amount of influence on the government well before that. He then gradually began to propagate his ideas of the superiority of an “Aryan” race, antisemitism, and extreme German nationalism. During the period in which the third Reich was established over Germany and other territories, Hitler was responsible for the industrialized murder of millions of Jews (i.e. the Holocaust) in what has been termed the imposition of a “Final Solution”, as well as the killing of homosexuals, communists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, people with disabilities, etc. Hitler committed suicide in 1945 upon rapid losses encountered by the Germans.

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