Extreme sports enthusiasts and people looking for outdoor adventure can try the 10 most dangerous rivers to kayak in USA and dare to stare death in the eye. For those who’ve experienced kayaking, it is one of the most dangerous and thrilling outdoor activities one can encounter. You just have to know the basics and have the right equipment to get started. You’ll also have to invest some money to ensure safety. Finances invested here can get a good guide of the river, have a guide boat, or even bring you more durable equipment.
Due to the nature of these dangerous rivers, commercial organizers are often very strict about safety. They let people be aware of the fact that you can actually die in one of these runs if you’re not careful. This requires briefing and a lot of tests to ensure that you can get back to your raft if ever you fall off. The United States isn’t the only place where you can encounter these types of rivers. There are many rivers around the world that prove dangerous. You can find out more about these in the 10 Most Dangerous Rivers in the World.
What rivers do you think are included in this list? Rapids are often classified according to the danger and power they can produce. The higher class rapids are reserved for experienced kayakers and there are some sections in rivers that need a guide in order to ensure that you avoid the deadly parts of your navigation. Let’s find out more as we start this list:
10. Cache La Poudre River
The Cache La Poudre River is Colorado’s only federally designated Wild and Scenic River. It contains a lot of sections that cater to both newcomers and experienced kayakers. There are different sections of the river ranging from Class II to even Class V. There is even a class VI waterfall that is considered dangerous and impossible for a run as it ends in a rocky and deadly place.
