Most corrupt countries in the world in 2015 are just an example of how bad things connect to each other with ease. If there are corruption issues in your country, chances are they are just a few small pieces of a big puzzle. What else can we say about these countries where extortion, bribery, crime, exploitation, frauds and widespread dishonesty govern, other than they have a serious illness? Unfortunately, according to the Corruption Perceptions Index, every country in the world is facing the same issue, albeit not to the same extent. Yes, you read that right, there is no single country that has no traces of corruption.

Every year, a non-governmental organization called Transparency International publishes a report in which more than 150 countries are analyzed and ranked by their level of corruption. Today, we will present you with the latest report, and highlight the 10 most corrupt countries in the world in 2015. And if you are fortunate enough not to be living in any of the countries on the list, but still wish to find out how your country ranks, you can take a look at the entire report here.
It is hardly a surprise that many countries with high corruption can be found on the list of the countries with the worst reputation in the world. The theory stating that corruption is not a disease but a symptom of a much more serious condition looks more plausible when you compare the two lists.
We are all very well familiar with the term “corruption”, but let’s see what is the Corruption Perceptions Index that has been used for ranking these countries. A higher score represents a country that is more “clean” when it comes to “the misuse of public power for private benefits” and, naturally, a lower score means that a country is less “clean”, or simply – more corrupt.