We all have our favorites when it comes to meat, but the most consumed meats in the world are obviously the worldwide favorites. All the talks might be surrounded around vegans and healthy eaters lately, but the truth is the world harbors a large non-vegetarian community that swears by their meat. The average world consumption of meat is a little over 40 kgs per person annually which proves that the demand for meat is quite large.
In countries like China, the demand is also ever-growing and is expected to rise by 80% in the coming decade. All this data only points to the fact that the meat industry is one of the most significant in the food business and therefore some analysis towards which products are the most popular is but likely. Of course, you can also be looking at this article for just being a die-hard meat lover also. Clearly, some meats are being consumed more than others around the world. Some, like poultry, owe their popularity to their price and their ease of production. Poultry has always been cheap to produce and hence has gained popularity over the years. Some other meats are in demand for being traditionally the preferred meat in a specified area or country. To some extent poultry has also been consumed around the world as most religions allow the consumption of poultry, unlike some other meats. So, is poultry the most consumed meat in the world?

Joshua Resnic/Shutterstock.com
There are a few approaches by which the consumption around the world can be determined. For instance, it can be based on either the head count of animals slaughtered or the total weight of meats supplied. For the purpose of this article we are considering the former, and we have based our results on reliable sources of data by Food and Agriculture Organization, USDA and COED. We have considered their data on the most consumed types of meats worldwide and have also determined the consumption level of individual types of meats which have led to our rankings. Do also take a look at our other list of the 10 countries that eat the most meat to see how the meat eaters of the world are spread worldwide and which are the places where the consumption is the highest. Read on ahead to find out which are the meats being preferred around the world!