What are the most consumed fruits in the US? We all know that fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest food we can eat. Unfortunately, in today’s world when so many processed food is all around us, and when we all have fast-paced lifestyles, we don’t spend too much time thinking about what we eat. Instead of choosing unprocessed healthy natural products, we just grab a slice of pizza and eat it on our way to a movie theather where we munch on popcorn or nachos. It seems that long ago were the times when one would just sit at the dining table and really enjoy a meal. I guess you’ll be surprised to know that fruits are still among the Top 10 Snack Foods Consumed in America.
OK, so Americans do eat a lot of fruit, doesn’t this mean that their eating habits are not that bad? Well if you’ve read the article mentioned above, then you have learned the only appropriate way to eat fruits and that most people don’t consume fruits the correct way.

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com
Leaving those “combining-food-right” eating rules aside – let’s consider for a moment two other different, but similarly important, aspects of having a healthy diet – not eating genetically modified food, and not eating fruits and vegetables with tons of pesticides. How many people do you know who take all these things into account when they eat fruit? Do you know anyone who eats only unprocessed organic fruit on an empty stomach? Didn’t think so.
It is very hard and expensive in today’s society to eat truly healthy food. Nevertheless, it is good to know that fruits are still being consumed in great amounts many places around the globe.
Once again, we used the 2015 Study of America’s consumption of fruit and vegetables done by Produce for Better Health Foundation to gather information about most consumed fruits in the US. And we have used several other resources to provide you with information about each fruit’s nutritional value.
In reverse order, most popular fruits in the US are:
10. Pears
Pears belong to the same family of fruits as apples, quinces, etc. They are rich in vitamin C, dietary fibers, and many minerals such as magnesium, potassium, copper, iron and many more. Those dietary fibers are very important for keeping your digestive tract healthy.
9. Pineapples
Have a fresh slice of pineapple and provide your body with a full shot of vitamin C that will boost your immune system and make your tan look wonderful. Pineapples also contain bromelain, an enzyme that digests protein. This enzyme if very useful when fighting against infections or inflammations.
8. Peaches
This delicious fruit contains Vitamin A and β-carotene that will help keep your vision stay healthy. If you’re working with a computer all day, grab a pair of peaches every day to do something good for your eyes. And the potassium in them will also help with keeping your electrolytes in check and controlling the electrical activity of your heart.
7. Applesauce
OK, applesauce is not a fruit per se, but it is a sauce made of fruit (main percentage of apples), and it is very often consumed in the US. It is included in this list because the study counted all fruit consumed “as is”, but also as an ingredient in other dishes. There are many types of applesauce, and they are often consumed with other types of food, so we can’t discuss its health benefits.
6. Grapes
Grapes are a fantastic food that can be eaten alone and not just be used for making wine. Yes, that is right. And if you consumed it appropriately you will introduce strong anti-oxidants into your body that are known for helping in the prevention of heavy diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, some types of cancer and different kinds of infections. So, for a change, skip that glass of wine and enjoy the healthier way of consuming this paradise fruit.
5. Melons
Are you thinking – what are melons doing on this list of Most Consumed Fruits in the US, aren’t they vegetables and not fruit? Well, there is a strong debate about classifying them. If you consider what they are made of, many people will agree that they have similar nutrition value as many other fruits; but if we look how it grows some would say it is more of a vegetable. Classify it as you want, you can’t debate the many health benefits its consumption provides us with – help in preventing breast, lung, oral cavity and many other types of cancer.
4. Oranges
We all know oranges belong to the family of citruses – the same group of fruit like lemons and grapefruit. They all have similar taste and provide us with very important vitamins and minerals. Besides vitamin C, vitamin A, and B-complex, oranges contain dietary fiber, as well as pectin, that will help you lower your bad cholesterol levels.
3. Berries
As you all know there are many types of berries like blackberry (not a smartphone!), strawberry, blueberry… and they all have their own nutrition value, and provide us with different health benefits.
2. Apples
Once again, apples on our list, but this time – apples alone. I guess no one is that surprised to see them near the top of most consumed fruits list, as they are known as one the most popular fruit in the world. They are very tasty and contain many vitamins and anti-oxidants. Did you know that eating one apple kills 95% of the bacteria that can cause dental cavities?
1. Bananas
In my personal opinion, the banana is the king of all fruit. It is very rich in calories comparing to other fruits, but is also full of many essential minerals and vitamins such as potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Athletes consume them as great and healthy energy boosters. They also contain dietary fibers that will help you avoid any constipation difficulties, and many other diseases.

Ery Azmeer / Shutterstock.com
I am happy to see that bananas top this list of Most Consumed Fruits in the US, how about you? Tell us – what is your favorite fruit?