10 Most Conservative Companies in America

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Koch Industries

The Koch brothers are to liberals what George Soros is to conservatives. Charles and David Koch have fortunes estimated at over $40 billion each and they use that money to help the Republican party win elections and then promote their interests in Washington. Koch Industries seems like a shady company that was investigated many times by Congress and the Department of Justice. In addition, it’s no secret that Koch is one of the biggest polluters in the U.S.

10 Most Conservative Companies In America

360b / Shutterstock.com

That concludes our list of the 10 most conservative companies in America. We didn’t include any financial companies, even though common sense dictates that they are also conservative. Financial companies are probably not so much conservative as they are pro-establishment, so they back whoever is in Washington and whatever views are aligned with the power that gives them the possibility to operate and generate cash.

Of course, some might argue that many of the actions that label the companies included in this list happened a long time ago and the companies reviewed their positions, but (at least online) the general perception of them has remained conservative.

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