10 Most Commonly Used Products In The World

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  1. Paper
  2. Was there any doubt that paper would top the list of the 10 most commonly used products in the world? Just wrap your head around the fact that U.S offices alone use a mind-boggling 12.1 trillion sheets of paper a year. That’s just offices, in one country. Needless to say, our paper use is off the charts, with North America using more than 500 pounds of paper per person annually and about 30 billion tons of paper being used globally each year.

    legal, contract, banking, rules, document, attorney, lawyer, paperwork, offer, business, employer, woman, paper, form,

    Syda Productions/Shutterstock.com

    That wraps up the list of the 10 most commonly used products in the world. How many of these products get regular use at your house? Which brands are your favorite? Share your thoughts with our readers in the comments.

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