3. North Korea
North Korea, next on our list of most boring countries to live in is sort of a mythical party no one is invited to, other than the locals –almost like a cult – and if by some miracle you manage to be admitted, you’ll be under the constant supervision of the phony host, and will only be allowed to visit approved spots, which are meant to display make-belief greatness and stability. The house is not very big, and the guests are many, but it still always looks empty. It’s seriously depressing.
Now, this phony host is a real party-pooper, who goes all out of his way to make the party as lame as he can, and he’s really touchy about it, too. He’s constantly throwing tantrums. The dress code is super strict, even haircuts are under legal regulation. And in case you were thinking of breaking the rules, you don’t really want to mess with these guys because they’ve got the largest bouncer troop in the world (5,889,000 paramilitary soldiers).
Size of the country: 120,540 km²
Population: 24,052,231
Density: 199.6 people/km2
Male-female ratio: 0.95 male(s)/female
Social gender equality: Highly patriarchal
Alcohol and drugs: If you’re a construction worker you might get some free meth! Also, they are quite the little smugglers.
Activities and entertainment: Hotel Ryugyiong a.k.a. “Hotel of Doom”
Tolerance for other cultures and religions: It has an astounding majority of atheists, accounting for 64.3% of the population. 16% adhere to Korean Shamanism, 13.5% practice Chondoism, 4.5% are Buddhist, and 1.7% are Christian.
Cultural behavioral factors: I don’t even know where to begin. You won’t fit in unless you were born in this country that ranked third on our list of most boring countries to live in. You won’t and that’s it.

Viktoria Gaman / Shutterstock.com