9. Switzerland
These hosts are the type of guys everybody deeply hates and slightly envies. They have everything and they know it, sitting there on their high horses in front of an incredible, squeaky clean house and super gorgeous guest list. They are rich, smart, fair, and educated. They are the Ravenclaws of the world, except they are dull as hell and quite mean if you’re not one of them. If you decide to join them you’ll be well received and easily adapted, and very soon you’ll be bored out of your skull. No chatting, no jokes, no dancing, no feeling, and a little racism.
The bar is nice but expensive –everything’s expensive, but it doesn’t matter because virtually everyone has a well-paying job, that’s how well-off they are. You’ll never be cold indoors, but take a step outside and you’ll freeze to death within minutes. Still, there are a lot of beautiful things to see, and if you are a ski enthusiast you might even have fun… for a while.
Size of the country: 41,293.2 km2
Population: 8,121,830
Male-female ratio: 0.96 male(s)/female
Social gender equality: Not as equal as you think; for Switzerland, one of the most boring countries to live in, that is.
Alcohol and drugs: Very, VERY expensive, but what isn’t here? However, they have one of the best drug policies in the world.
Activities and entertainment: Mostly sports and landscapes.
Tolerance for other cultures and religions: However “shiny-sparkly-squeaky-clean-balanced” this place is, if you take a closer look you’ll find xenophobia is actually quite common; the difference with xenophobia elsewhere is that they’re civil about it. 38% of the nationals are Roman Catholic, 26.1% Protestant, 5.8% other Christians, 5.1% Muslim, 0.2 Jewish, 1.3% includes Buddhists, Hindus, Bahais, and Sikhs, and 22.2% is non-religious.
Cultural behavioral factors: “Perfectionism, precision, and punctuality”; if you ain’t got that, don’t go there.
