1. Saudi Arabia
Picture a party where the hosts are an extremely conservative majority of men (exceeding the women rate by 21%!), and so capricious they will only have the party be their way, no one else’s. So if you wish to be invited, you must accept Allāh as your only God (or shut your trap about it), and the only sport played, other than camel racing, is football because boys will be boys, even in the core of the Middle East. By the way, I mean real football, the one where your foot touches the ball.
Saying that women are not treated well here would be the understatement of the year. The dress code is pretty much as bad as it gets, you must cover yourself in black robes called abaya and cover your face even though the heater is always set on max; never EVER show your face in public or you’ll be in real trouble. Of course, you’ll have to take a hike to the party, because it would be a crime for a woman to drive a car.
This rules that make life dull for men as well, since they can’t even speak to a female they are not familiar with without risking getting into trouble. As you can imagine, almost nobody ever gets laid here, something that can only increase the general grumpiness.
Now, for the cherry on top: no booze, no weed, no nothing. You can actually get executed if found carrying drugs, even though the Prince does so himself. You might find tobacco, but not everywhere. Also, there’s pretty much nothing to do other than work and pray because there are no cinemas or theaters, and needless to say, no bars, so other than the mall, eating out (food’s supposed to be really good), or the occasional stoning, there’s not much entertainment. On that note here’s a super funny video from Monty Python’s Life of Brian on stoning, (although the scene doesn’t take place there, it’s worth watching).
Size of the country: 2,217,949 km2
Population: 36,239,460
Density: 16,3 people/km2. Still, considering most of the inland is desert “Some coast cities and oases have densities of more than 1,000 people per square kilometer”.
Male-female ratio: 1.21 male(s)/female
Social gender equality: Complete and absolute inequality in every aspect possible.
Alcohol and drugs: You may be able to buy some very expensive alcohol from a bootlegger, but that’s about it.
Activities and entertainment: Hitting your wife.
Tolerance for other cultures and religions: Ha. Ha-ha-ha. Ha.
Cultural behavioral factors: Punishment is severe, but you can get away with almost anything if you’ve got the status.
So, what do you think? Are these the most boring countries to live in, or what?

Fedor Selivanov/Shutterstock.com