3. Jelly Rat Fiend
The third place on our list of the most annoying YouTube videos ever we goes to Jelly Rat Fiend. Ok, first of all: what is up with that voice? It sounds like a balloon being slowly and noisily deflated by an elementary schooler with ADHD. Even though I try, I can’t imagine what this person looks like, my mind just can’t identify what kind of human being could possess such irritating pitch and accent.
Secondly, whoever this person is, they should not be allowed to own or use surgical instruments, since I suspect the “surgery” he/she’s performing on the poor jelly rat is just serving as practice, so as to later apply the knowledge on real breathing animals. It just makes me uneasy that this human being exists.
Still, what bothers me the most is their disrespect for candy -I am a big supporter of candy rights. It’s for eating, not beating!- I’d get it from a child, but this actually seems to be a grown person, so I hope that the poor thing could at least fulfill its destiny of being devoured, after enduring this endless torture.