There’s probably not a single person in the world that could safely sit through the full length of our list of 10 most annoying YouTube videos ever and live to –sanely- tell the tale. I sure as hell couldn’t do it; I’d rather get fired than play a 10 hour Nyan Cat video, so come on, I dare you.

I’m not certain what it is that draws us humans to consume needless visuals that will utterly irritate us, but it seems to be something of a masochist addiction. Probably every YouTube user has at one time or another willfully subjected him or herself to one of these abominations; it must have something to do with death drive, or better said: brain death drive.
If you are someone who works on their computer, then you probably already are a slave of the visual kingdom of the moving image, so if what you’re looking for is fun, then I’d refer you to our Top 10 Funniest YouTube Channels in 2015. However, if for some reason what you wish is to grind your teeth uncontrollably until there’s nothing but gums left, then check out this list of maddening videos I’ve compiled for you!