8. What are you going to do now that you’ve earned your degree?
I’ll probably shove it somewhere PG-13, because the truth is nowadays most degrees are virtually worthless. There are very few moments in life as disorienting as the end of one’s studies, so your answer to that question should be “I’ll try not to panic while I find out what my real dreams are and attempt to make a living out of them”. Or, as MTv’s Daria puts it: “My goal is not to wake up at 40 with the bitter realization that I’ve wasted my life on a job I hate because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens.” Pretty grim, huh?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t study; knowledge (any knowledge) is a key instrument for life, but no piece of paper is going to determine the rest of your days, that’s up to you. The idea that credentials will guarantee you family holidays, and caipirinhas on the beach might have been true when our parents were young, but it’s not anymore, today it’s all about inventiveness.

Ljupco Smokovski/Shutterstock.com