10 Most Annoying Questions to Ask Your Friends

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1. Are you going to eat that?

I don’t know, but it’s on my plate, so I might eat it eventually, lay off my food!! I’m sorry, but I absolutely hate being asked this question. I’m like Joey from Friends (“Joey doesn’t share food!” remember?), so to me, this is definitely one of the most annoying questions to ask your friends. Still, this question is different from the other annoying questions to ask your friends, because it has several meanings. There are two possible issues this question could be aiming at: one is defiling the sacred boundaries of my plate (which should be punishable by death), and the other, once again, body image.

What separates one subject from the other is the intonation, meaning, what words you emphasize: “Are you going to eat that?” and “Are you going to eat that?” are two completely different questions, see? However, my reaction would probably be the same to both: I’d grab that piece of whatever and shove it in my mouth with a triumphant and satisfied look on my face and go “Yup.”, with my mouth still full. Nonetheless, if you can master the courage to loudly burp after you do that, then your training is complete.

10 Most Annoying Questions to Ask Your Friends

Jfanchin / Shutterstock.com

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