If you are not convinced that we are living in the future, then you should take a look at 10 most advanced countries in robotics, and you will understand what we mean.
Science fiction writers have been predicting a future filled with robots and most importantly artificial intelligence for a very long time. From what we found while doing the research, we can say with a great degree of confidence, that the time when this future is actually realized is not far. The development of robotics is growing at a tremendous pace, so much so that people are concerned that they are being replaced by robots at least when it comes to the manufacturing industry. Robots are cheaper, efficient, and extremely easy to maintain compared to workers working on an assembly line. In fact, the very term “robot” was derived from a Czech word “robota” that means forced labor. Robots are probably going to be replacing humans on assembly lines in the very near future. In fact, some countries are considering augmenting their military with robots to move humans away from harm, however, we are not there yet.

Willyam Bradberry/Shutterstock.com
Another fascinating field of science is nanotechnology, which basically is the study of tiny machines or rather robots that can work as swarm to complete extremely complex and difficult tasks. If you are interested in nanotechnology, you should check out Most Advanced Countries in Nanotechnology. Robots are basically tools, but the brain still belongs to us humans. However, the race to invent the perfect artificial intelligence is on, and we can easily speculate that someday very soon we will be able to create artificial intelligence, some even speculate that we already have. The field of robotics is filled with potential, and if you want your children to be more driven towards such high-tech fields, then it is better to have them start at an early age, so check out our article on 10 Science and STEM Camps For Kids in NYC.
Robotics, and the quest for inventing the perfect artificial intelligence is the cutting edge of technology today. Finding data on the most recent developments regarding such research is quite difficult due to their potential application as military technology. However, we can find data regarding robots that are being employed in the manufacturing industry, and also about house hold robots. We had to find a way to determine the most advanced countries in robotics, so we worked with the available data on the internet. Thankfully, there are quite a few sources on the internet that record statistical data robots in use in various industries, and we used those statistics to determine the most advanced countries in robotics.
We sought help from websites like International Federation of Robotics and also Robotics and Automation News. From there, we looked at robot density figures, and the number of robots per 10,000 employees. That gave us a clear picture of which countries are employing the highest number of robots in manufacturing and other relevant industries. The higher number of robot employees, the higher the given country’s understanding and capabilities in robotics. The higher the robot density, the higher a country has been placed on this list.
Let’s get our list of 10 most advanced countries in robotics started.
10. Taiwan
Robot Density: 129 robots
Back in 2015, Taiwan became serious about building a robust robotics industry when Advantech partnered with Japanese technology giant Panasonic. The CEO of Advancetech dreams to build robotics as Taiwan’s next core industry by 2035. Given its current pace and direction, we can easily say that Taiwan will achieve its goals, even perhaps earlier than the estimated timeline. The neighboring countries to Taiwan, Japan, Korea and China, who will eventually appear in our list, are way ahead than Taiwan in robotics, this is why Taiwan is doing its best to keep up with its neighbors to maintain its influence.

Copyright: niserin / 123RF Stock Photo
9. Finland
Robot Density: 130 robots
With a robot density in the manufacturing industry of about 130, Finland is barely ahead of Taiwan. However, Finland certainly has a much more capable economy and industrial capacity than Taiwan, and its robotics industry is speculated to grow several folds in the coming years. Finland has proven its worth as a capable robot manufacturer by producing several ground breaking designs in heavy machinery, industrial robots, service robots and healthcare robots. The potential for Finland as a future leader in robotics is apparent.

Andrey Armyagov/Shutterstock.com
8. Spain
Robot Density: 131 robots
Coming in at number 8 on our list of most advanced countries in robotics is Spain. Spain has a robot density of 131 and that is basically pretty amazing as this puts Spain ahead of many developed countries. At least in the field of robotics Spain clearly has an early start. However, it will not take much time for the world to catch up to Spain. Thankfully, Spain is enjoying a steady growth in its robotics industry as it signs contracts and foreign investments help build even a more powerful industry infrastructure for the country. With capable leadership, Spain can easily maintain its dominant position in the robotics industry.

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7. The United States of America
Robot Density: 135 robots
The United States is always ahead of others when it comes to modern technology, but we can clearly see that when it comes to robotics the United States is not that high up in our list. However, as we mentioned before, the potential for military applications of robots have led to secrecy regarding recent developments in the field, and perhaps when the data is made public, we will find the United States to be at the front row of things.

Goran Bogicevic/Shutterstock.com
6. Denmark
Robot Density: 155 robots
Even though Denmark is not the only European country in our list, it is certainly the European country with the most potential for robotics. In recent years, the country has heavily invested in robotics industry as is driven by sheer determination to lead the continent of Europe in this particular field. However, Denmark is up against some tough competition as there are a couple of other European countries that show up on our list.

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5. Sweden
Robot Density: 157 robots
We have stepped into the top five, and these top 5 countries are basically the leaders in robotics. Sweden has a well-rounded robotics industry, as it has several well-reputed robot manufacturing companies, that not only make the robots but also provide necessary software to run those robots and also produce other peripherals to augment the capabilities of robots in use all over the world. Although Sweden sits at number 5 as of now, the potential is there for Sweden to take the lead.

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4. Italy
Robot Density: 159 robots
Italy is barely ahead of Sweden in robot density per 10,000 employees in manufacturing, but this alone does not give us the full picture. When it comes to manufacturing high-end vehicles, Italy has proven its capabilities to the world time and time again. In fact, in automobile industry, Italy has the highest robot density of all the countries at about 1,400 robots per 10,000 employees. Going forward, the robotic industry in Italy is only going to get bigger. As of now, Italy is the second largest European robot user.

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3. Germany
Robot Density: 261 robots
Germany, one of the most advanced countries in robotics, is the largest European robot user in the manufacturing sector with a robot density of about 261 robots per 10,000 employees. Germany is all about efficiency, and you cannot get more efficient than having well-kept robots. Germany posses one of Europe’s biggest economies and that offers Germany a unique opportunity for investing in the fields of research and technology. Germany will likely become the industry leader in the next few years.

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2. Japan
Robot Density: 339 robots
The Japanese people are extremely innovative and their love for technology shows in their robotics industry. Apart from the manufacturing industry, Japan has employed robots for many other things. Some notable categories include entertainment robots, humanoid, animal like robots that walk on all four, social robots, guard robots. The list could go on for a long time. Japan is currently leading the field of civilian robotics.

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1. South Korea
Robot Density: 347 robots
We have reached the very pinnacle of our list, and at the top of it, we find South Korea. With a population of little over 50 million and an extremely high level of education, robots are basically a necessity when it comes to manufacturing in South Korea. Pretty much everyone in South Korea possesses tertiary level of education, and employing workers who have such high education is not going to be as cheap as robots. So, the South Korean robotics industry is driven by necessity other than anything else. South Korea has been maintaining its lead for quite some time now, and it seems dethroning South Korea is not going to be easy.

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This wraps it up for our list of the most advanced countries in roboticss.