Lists 10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicine Published on August 20, 2015 at 2:23 pm by Aleksandar Jevtic in Lists Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 3 of 11Next >>See All 9. AustraliaWith $5.5 billion invested in medical research in 2011, Australia has earned its place on the list. Share Tweet Email << PrevPage 3 of 11Next >>See All JapanItalyFranceCanadaSwedenEnglandGermanyAustraliaSlideshowNetherlandsList XFinancemedical sciencemedical researchhealthcare researchresearch in medicinehealth care researchpharmaceutical researchAdvanced medical researchMedicine-advanced countriesThe United States of Americacountries with the best healthcareCountries that invest in healthcareBest countries to practise medicine10 Most Advanced Countries in Medicinecountry with the best medical scientistbest countries for medicine advancementcountries that invest in medical researchCountries that invest in advancing medicineWhich country has the best medical researchers?Which country has the best medicine technology?the most technologically advanced countries in the worldShow more...Show less Related Insider Monkey Articles7 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs For Teens7 Richest Countries in Africa by 2015 GDP7 Countries with Highest Minimum Wage7 Poorest Countries in Asia by 2015 GDP7 Poorest Countries in the World by GDP Per Capita7 Countries with Highest Obesity Rates