Education is thought of as being the key to the progress of a nation which is why it may be interesting to look at the most advanced countries in education. Countries across the globe have been experimenting with their education systems to ensure the best possible learning mechanisms for their young minds. An advanced education system for the country means it is able to not only excel in the fields of science and technology but also to produce quality writers and academics. Quality education, therefore, promotes creativity, innovation and independent thought. These characteristics differentiate the world’s best education systems from those relying on traditional learning methods and long hours.
World’s developing nations not featuring among the best education systems in the world would not be a surprise, but when it turns out that developed countries like the US don’t have the best education systems eyebrows are usually being raised. According to most rankings and standards, Scandinavian countries have repeatedly outperformed their peers when it comes to the quality of education. This is a result of them constantly trying on newer methods and reaching the best possible systems through a long process involving multiple iterations.

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Rankings are obviously going to differ according to the different measurement methods used and more so depending on whether higher education is included in the testing. The USA, for example, is likely to do much better in an education ranking system that includes higher education since US universities are recognized among the best, hands down. There is also a considerable difference between how the performance of primary and secondary education is measured compared to that of the tertiary education. Science, reading, and mathematics are likely to be important components of an evaluation of a schooling system whereas student-teacher ratios, quality and quantity of academic research and international outlook occupy greater importance when evaluating a system of higher education. Countries which focus on providing excellent medical education opportunities tend to be more advanced in medicine as well, and you can take a look in 10 Most Advances Countries in Medicine.
To compile the list of the 10 most advanced countries in education in the world, we have looked at different rankings by credible sources including the Pisa tests and World Economic Forum rankings. Countries for this list have been ranked according to their performance in Pisa tests and Education Index. Although this list only features South Korea, other Asian countries like Singapore, China ,and Japan have been doing really well especially with regards to primary education and are likely to be ranked much higher in the coming years.
10. Denmark
By making its education free or very cheap for both its residents and international students, Denmark features one of the most advanced education systems in the world by allocating a large chunk of its regional budget to education.

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9. Germany
The introducer of innovative methods of education like the concept of kindergarten or preschool, Germany also happens to have one of the best higher education systems in the world putting its education system among the most advanced systems.

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8. Norway
Like many of its Scandinavian counterparts, Norway has relied on a provision of quality education inexpensively to emerge as one of the leaders in education.

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7. Canada
We are continuing our list of most advanced countries in education with Canada that is one nation that makes it to almost all independent rankings of the education system. It has prioritized investments in childhood education which is already beginning to pay off as its literacy rate stands at around 99%.

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6. Ireland
The Irish are constantly improving their education system by investing more and more into the system. The education is free from primary to college/university level for its nationals making it one of the fastest improving education systems in the world.

5. South Korea
With an approximate 99% literacy levels, South Korea, the number 5 on our list of most advanced countries in education is transforming education albeit with a stricter approach towards learning (educating up to seven days a week), compared to its European competitors. All in all it can boast about being the fifth among the most advanced countries in education.

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4. Estonia
Benefitting from a small but strong economy, Estonia has achieved tremendous success. Despite being such a small nation, its focus on education has brought it among the leaders of the world in the field of education.

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3. Netherlands
The Netherlands, the next one on our list of most advanced countries in education is often lauded for a lenient system of education which produces results. Owing to reforms such as little to no homework, Dutch students are one of the least stressed students in the world.

2. Australia
The Australian education system ranks highly because of the strength of its higher education with Australian universities attracting the best students from across the globe.

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1. New Zealand
With international education being its fourth-largest export earner, it comes as no surprise that New Zealand tops our list of the 10 most advanced countries in education.

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