10 Least Competitive Dental Schools in America

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4.Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine

Average GPA: 3.31
Average DAT: 19

If you believe that the best way to learn is through practice, then Western University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine might be the school you are looking for. The college puts emphasis on clinical training opportunities, which include early direct patient care, preclinical simulation, possibility to work with faculty staff at WesternU dental clinic, etc. List of prerequisite courses includes subjects mentioned in the introduction. However the school highly recommends that applicants have taken some of the following subjects: biochemistry, genetics, cell biology, human anatomy and physiology, microbiology, calculus 1, biometrics, psychology, conversational Spanish. Since only 69 students are admitted yearly, knowledge in some of these subjects might give you a competitive advantage. Finally, tuition fees are $66,878.

10 Least Competitive Dental Schools in America

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