10 Largest US Cities by Decade

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  1. New York (NY) – population: 7,894,862
  2. Chicago (IL) – population: 3,366,957
  3. Los Angeles (CA) – population: 2,816,061
  4. Philadelphia (PA) – population: 1,948,609
  5. Detroit (MI) – population: 1,511,482
  6. Houston (TX) – population: 1,232,802
  7. Baltimore (MD) – population: 905,759
  8. Dallas (TX) – population: 844,401
  9. Washington (DC) – population: 756,510
  10. Cleveland (OH) – population: 750,903

After the 1970 census, both Washington and Cleveland will fall from grace, never to make the top 10 list again. Dallas, on the other hand represents Texas’ second city in the list after doubling its population in the last 20 years. Apart from the Texas duo, only New York and Los Angeles have seen their population grow in size.

nthony Correia / Shutterstock.com

nthony Correia / Shutterstock.com

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