10 Largest Factoring Companies in the US

7. Charter Capital Holdings

Revenue: $45.60 M
Number of employees: 50
Minimum Rate Percentage: 1.20%
Maximum Account Receivable: $10 million

Low-rate and higher account receivable pay? Charter Capital is the factoring company for you. The company offers same-day funding with no-term contracts. There is no limit for the account receivables yet $10 million is a comfortable number for the factoring company. Charter Capital is popular for its 24/7 professional and timely customer assistance. The factoring fee ranges from 1.20% to 5% depending on your business’s industry. They also have a user-friendly online application wherein after you qualify for the pre-screening, a factoring professional will get in touch with you via phone or email within 24 hours. The only disadvantage is Charter Capital is a recourse factoring company. Meaning, if your customer doesn’t pay you back, you have to buy back your invoice which could hurt your income not to mention the factoring fee.

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