For all liquor lovers this article enlists the 10 largest alcohol companies in the world. In most parts of the world alcoholic beverages hold a significant cultural value. In many countries drinking is a social requirement that reflects on an individual’s stature in the society. As the alcohol industry prospered, most countries now have regulatory bodies that overlook production, consumption and sales.
The fact that most people have a passion for alcohol has led to more and more production. Many companies have jumped into the business and have been producing quality alcoholic products for decades. More companies meant more competition, and, therefore, the quality of alcoholic products has drastically improved over the years. Companies have been trying different ways to promote themselves and gain market value. For companies that are well established, it became inevitable to ensure quality production or else they may lose their position to a new emerging alcohol company.

The following list is a compilation of top alcohol companies that have ruled the international markets for years. They have ensured quality production at most affordable prices. As a result, these companies have earned a handsome annual profit and offered most jobs to strengthen their employee bank. The list also includes minor details regarding the companies’ most famous brands. And, we have prepared something special for the beer lovers too – a list of “10 Largest Beer Brewing Companies in the World”.
Now, let’s take a look at the largest alcohol companies in the world, starting with number 10: