10 Largest AI Companies In The World

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4. Nvidia (NASDAQ:NDVA)

Total revenue in 2019 (in millions of dollars): 11,720

Nvidia is one of the most famous artificial intelligence companies out there, especially among gamers as its artificial intelligence is based on computing and is the inventor of the GPU, which allows interactive graphics across different platforms including mobile devices, PCs, notebooks, workstations and laptops among others. The company was founded  27 years ago in 1993 and now has more than 18,000 employees across the world. In addition to its contribution to gaming, Nvidia also provides parallel processing capabilities to both scientists as well as researchers to enable them to run high-performance applications smoothly and efficiently. These are deployed in supercomputers around the world and has been providing artificial intelligence to Toyota for use in their autonomous vehicles. In 2017, Nvidia also announced a partnership with Chinese search giant Baidu which is based on artificial intelligence and includes cloud computing, autonomous driving, AI framework and a lot more. Its Tesla P4 graphic cards are being used in Google Cloud’s artificial intelligence, showing the reach and influence of Nvidia and its rightful place as one of the largest AI companies in the world.

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