10 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

If your dream is to see the world, but can’t really afford to, these 10 jobs that will allow me to travel the world are right up your alley.

Nomadic lifestyle has always held a large dose of an allure for plenty of people. Travelling the world, seeing new places and getting to know different people and their cultures are just some of the aspects of it. The sense of freedom, one gets from being able to travel and change location on a whim, is very sought after commodity in today’s world. But the charms of this lifestyle often fade away when people are confronted with cold, harsh realities, like the needs for food and clothing. Freedom gets overruled by an empty stomach most of the time.

Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World


But what if there’s a way to fulfill your dream and make a decent wage in the process? Why not find a job that will allow you to travel the world? Pay may not be on par with these, for example, best paying jobs for women in America, but you’ll get to see the world for free.

As the technology progresses, it is getting easier to live like a modern nomad. There are plenty of jobs out there that include travelling to remote destinations. Some of them are new, but some have been here for centuries, in perhaps a different form. Truck drivers use to be wagon drivers, but the essence of the job is the same: transport a load of goods from point A to point B. Tutors and teachers throughout the history have been young people eager to see the world and their profession was just a mean to an end.

Today, people who look for jobs that allow them to see the world are the same inquisitive spirits like those hundred or two hundred years ago. The difference is that today they have more opportunities to do so. Let’s take a look at these 10 jobs that will allow me to travel the world:

10. Cruise Ship Employee

We kick off with a cruise ship employment. Although you’ll be limited to ports and won’t have a chance to see anything inland, it is still a great opportunity for people who like to travel.

Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

9. Au Pair

Although some people feel that au pairs are just glorified babysitter, there’s more to this job that just taking care of kids. Au pair lives in his host family’s home and is more of a companion than hired help. Still, this job isn’t for everybody.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

8. English Teacher

English is a world language. Hundreds of millions of students study English worldwide. If teaching is your cup of tea, the possibilities are endless.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

7. International Hotel Chain Employee

International hotel chains offer great possibilities for frequent relocation of their staff. In most cases, you’ll get to stay in the hotel, so you don’t have to bother with renting an apartment or worry about meals.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

6. Truck driver

If you don’t mind travelling alone and driving long hours, this is a job for you. Most of the truckers drive domestic tours, but there are plenty of international ones to choose from. And it pays rather well.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

5. Flight attendant

This job position comes as no surprise on this list of 10 jobs that will allow me to travel the world! The hours can be demanding and job schedule sometimes hectic, but the benefits are great. Once you get off the plane and head to your hotel room, which is already paid by the airline, you’re free to spend your time as you please, until the next flight.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

4. Pilot

A step above flight attendants on the airline food chain, pilots work fewer hours and have more down time between flights. It is harder to become one, though.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

3. Travel agent

Although travel agents are somewhat of a dying breed due to the Internet, there’s still a need for people to travel to a destination and see it with their own eyes, instead of relying on photos and emails.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

2. Concert roadie

We can think of plenty of worse things to do in your life than spend it on the concert tours. The job is very interesting; it doesn’t involve sitting in an office in any capacity and sometimes you get to be a roadie for a band you love. IT doesn’t get much better than that.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World

1. Freelance

Ever since Paris in the 1920s, an idea of living abroad and writing has been embedded in American literature. Today, thanks to the Internet, there are plenty of jobs that you can do on your computer, regardless of where the computer is located. That is why freelancing is the number one on our list of jobs that will allow me to travel the world.

 Jobs That Will Allow Me to Travel the World