10 Hottest Mid-Cap Stocks So Far in 2025

4. UniFirst (NYSE:UNF)
  • YTD Performance: 30.6%

UniFirst (NYSE:UNF) is a workplace uniform and protective gear company. So, if you’ve ever seen employees in matching uniforms at places like car dealerships, restaurants, or manufacturing plants, there’s a good chance UniFirst had a hand in supplying them.

I believe the onshoring trend accelerating in the past two years and the increasing amount of protectionism has had a hand in UNF stock bottoming out and starting a solid recovery rally in recent months. This uniform company is even ahead of most software firms in terms of year-to-date gains.

Something else that turned heads was UniFirst’s confirmation that they rejected an acquisition proposal from rival Cintas Corporation at $5.3 billion. The company basically said, “Thanks, but no thanks.” UniFirst probably wants to remain independent and sees significant upside on its own.