We have made the list of hot selling wholesale flea market items to solve the biggest dilemma, the most flea market entrepreneurs are facing. Piling unsold products is the worst scenario for any flea market retailer, and that is why you need to be very picky when choosing your merchandise.
We already dealt with a similar topic before, the list of 11 best selling products at flea markets will inform you about the items that sell well on open flea markets and local garage sales. While this list mainly revolves around used items and antiques, we have added a little bit more mass produced inexpensive products that can be purchased wholesale.

Finding good wholesale offers online is easy. Try visiting your local wholesale flea market and arranging deals with the sellers. You can also order these items from your home. Check out Alibaba, the biggest Chinese wholesale market platform. If you are more into used items and antiques, try finding them on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. Handcrafted items can be found on Etsy.
We have used three articles as sources for creating our list. Chron, one of the most famous small business online magazines has released an article that has defined the categories of flea market items that can be profitable to sell. They didn’t go into details, so we also needed to consult other sources. Still, the items that fall under some of the categories from the Chron’s article received additional ten points in our ranking.
The Flea Market Insiders is a very helpful website, for people who make a living out of selling flea market items. They gave us a great insight into the garage and flea market sale organization, tactics and strategies. They also created a short list of items that sell well and provide high returns for flea market retailers. Each item from The Flea Market Insider’s list has received ten points. Since their list also contains items that should be avoided, we have subtracted five points from each item that we have found on their ‘flop list.’
We used Brighthub as a basis for making our list of hot selling wholesale flea market items. By combining their items with the ones from other two articles we have created a unique list that contains both good copies and replicas of famous brands, as well as the inexpensive original products. Each item from the Brighthub’s list received a number of points (from 10 to 100) that is reversely proportional to their ranking.
The best way to check the accuracy of our list of hot selling wholesale flea market items is to visit your local flea markets and ask the sellers, what their best-selling items are. By doing this, you will find out which flea market products are popular in your area. If you want to improve your research, in addition to flea markets, you can also visit some of the most popular local box-stores.