10 High Paying Overseas Jobs with No Experience Necessary

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4. Cabin crew

Pay scale: $23,083 – $80,670;

Optimal salary for a flight attendant:  $51,876 (According to PayScale);

Both national and privately owned airline companies hire flight attendants from all over the world. This job allows you to travel the world and offers incredible culture exchange opportunities. The salary we have listed under this position is the average salary for the flight attendant professionals in the United States. Popular Middle Eastern airline companies usually pay their employees a little bit less, but even their salary is good for at least few months of traveling after your contract expires. Cabin crew staff is usually recruited on Assessment Days that are held in different countries or cities. Candidates need to email their resume or leave it during the Resume Drop that is organized beforehand. Now, let’s see the top three entries on our list of high paying overseas jobs with no experience necessary.

10 High Paying Overseas Jobs with No Experience Necessary

Mikhail Starodubov/Shutterstock.com

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