10 Healthiest Milk And Milk Alternatives For Toddlers And Kids

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1. Breast Milk

Serving Size – 246ml

Calories – 171

Fat – 11g

Protein – 2.5g

Carbs – 17g

Human breast milk straight from mom tops the list of the 10 healthiest milk and milk alternatives for toddlers and kids. Naturally, its minerals and nutrients are the most bioavailable to toddlers, and it’s chock full of them. When it comes to protein, breast milk is loaded with the amino acid taurine, which is hugely important for the development of the brain. Breast milk fat and protein are also far easier for children to digest. When it comes to vitamins and minerals, breast milk may look inferior to other milks or formulas, but that’s not the case when bioavailability is factored in. Milks and formulas are often forced to greatly fortify their drinks with minerals and vitamins because of the low bioavailability of them, the excess of which puts strain on a baby’s intestines and gut.

Of course, breast feeding is not always an option for mothers, for various reasons, in which case they might consider finding a breast milk donor. Regional governments are increasingly setting up breast milk donor banks where donors can be properly screened and tested to ensure their breast milk is safe to be passed along to families in need. It’s no wonder parents are doing all they can to find breast milk for their child when they can’t provide it themselves; studies have shown that breastfed babies develop higher IQs and generally become more successful than babies who are not breastfed.

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That wraps up the list of the 10 healthiest milk and milk alternatives for toddlers and kids. We hope we’ve provided some valuable insight into the ever expanding world of milk and milk alternatives. Feel free to share your personal thoughts or anecdotes on the subject in the comments.

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