With the subject of immigration fresh on my mind, let’s tackle which ones to omit through the 10 hardest countries to immigrate into. If for varied DNA alone, immigration is inherently preferable. If everybody just kept sleeping with people who looked like them, eventually there’d be incest, and the general IQ would go down. It’s always blown my mind why people *wouldn’t want* immigration in their country. Sometimes I look at ancient Roman drawings and take a look at a Middle Eastern cab driver, and I swear they were clones. We’re all related, yet there’s so much hate.
Anyway, some countries actually pass laws backing up their immigration beliefs, claiming it’s in national, safety and economic advantageous. Bullshit. If we keep going down the turd road that we’ve been on since crazy election night of 2016, the US might emulate the list below as long as Bannon – er.. I’m sorry, DT – is president.

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Almost every country has a limited number of how much people can immigrate in it. But, before they talk numbers, they first distinguish whether those who immigrate in it will be good for their economic and social systems.
Even though it is hard to immigrate in some countries, there are also 10 Cities and Countries That Will Pay You to Move There. However, if you don’t marry a citizen of their country or if you don’t have ancestors who were citizens, it is almost impossible to immigrate into some of the most developed countries. Today, people even marry a complete stranger in order to become a citizen of that country. This could be the safest way to become a citizen of one country, as opposed to what else people are prepared to do. Many of them are risking their lives by sneaking across the border.
We created the list of top 10 hardest countries to immigrate into based on whether the country requires a visa and how long you need to live in it before applying for an official citizenship document. After we had found the countries from websites like Telegraph as our starting point, we compared the toughness of their immigration laws and ranked them.
10. Sweden
Sweden is one of the richest countries in Europe. They developed a perfect system for their citizens which is why people often want to immigrate to it. If you are married to or in a relationship with a Swedish citizen (in my head I was automatically going to write ‘Swedish Model’ and had to catch myself), you can apply for Swedish citizenship. But being married isn’t enough to go the full mile. If you are a newly wedded couple, you’ll have to live together two years before applying for citizenship.

Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock.com
9. Denmark
Denmark is one of the most developed Scandinavian countries. Because of their good educational, political and healthcare systems, many people want to move there. Since 2016 Denmark has an exam for immigrants where it can test their knowledge of their history and culture. Even though this seems like an easy way to immigrate in Denmark, less than a third of foreign nationals passed and even Danes have trouble passing it.

Fedor Selivanov/Shutterstock.com
8. Germany
Germany is one of the most popular countries for immigration on our list of hardest countries to immigrate into. But in order to become a German, you will have to live there 8 years before applying for citizenship. Also, you have to fulfill certain conditions like a valid “Aufenthaltserlaubnis” residency permit, have no criminal record, pledge an oath to the German constitution, and give up on your former citizenship.

7. Libya
You will be surprised to see that people often want to immigrate in Libya, but you will be more surprised when you find out that Libya has pretty strict rules about immigration. Libya even banned tourist visas for U.S citizens and Europeans for a while, which means if you want to immigrate to Libya the process will be very long and tough.

6. Iran
Believe it or not, Iran is also on the list of 10 hardest countries to immigrate into. But like many countries, Iran also doesn’t support dual citizenship which means if you manage to immigrate there you will have to give up your current citizenship permanently. But if you don’t want to, exceptions can be made. You can inform Iran’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and you may get the permission to keep both citizenships.

5. North Korea
Yikes! Why are you even reading this? Who would want to immigrate to the east’s version of DT? North Korea is completely cut off from the world outside. It is hard to emigrate from it as well as immigrate into it. Those people who want to immigrate to North Korea are perceived as a threat to the country. The chances to immigrate to or emigrate from North Korea are almost equal to zero. But under any circumstance, you shouldn’t consider crossing the border illegally because you will face two to seven years in political penal-labor colonies where the torture and deaths are notoriously high. Yes – death is likely to come your way if you cross its border.

Viktoria Gaman / Shutterstock.com
4. Japan
The number four on our list of hardest countries to immigrate into is Japan that doesn’t support foreign people working in their territory. Even though they are in desperate need for labor workers, Japan is still holding on to their no-immigration workers. If you live in Japan for five years, only then with the approval of the Minister of Justice you can apply for Japanese citizenship. But in order to apply for their citizenship, you must give a lot of information about your personal life.

3. United States
The United States opened their doors a while ago to skilled and educated people. But for those who have lower education level, you will have to go through a very strict and long process for citizenship. If you want to live in the United States, you will need a permanent residence or a green card. The United States also offers a lottery for some countries to win a green card. In order to apply for a citizenship, you must live in the United States for at least five years. This is why most people decide to marry a stranger in order to get documents in a short time. Or if you’re like me, thank God that your parents moved to the US. Then thank God that your husband decided to move to the US. Then thank God that the US exists and that it drew these two random families to it and led to the creation of the two most perfect people God ever knew – my kids.

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2. Switzerland
If you lived for more than 12 years in Switzerland, in one of the hardest countries to immigrate into, you can apply for their citizenship. Before you do, you should learn as much as you can about their history and culture. You also have to make a concerted effort to integrate into their society. You have to totally adopt their traditions and culture while you’re there. Be Swiss, and you get to be Swiss!

Boris Stroujko/Shutterstock.com
1. Austria
If you want to become Austrian citizen, you must fully commit to it. You will have to live there between 15 to 30 years before you can apply for their citizenship. This long process might be worth it because of their developed economic, politic and health systems.

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If you want to move to another country, you should keep in mind which are 10 hardest countries to immigrate into.