10 Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World

Getting laid in one of the hardest countries to get laid in the world does sound like a mission impossible, but it also sounds like a challenge Barney Stinson would gladly accept. So, if you are anything like him, check out the (challenge) list we compiled today and find out where in the world people are not just playing hard to get, but actually are hard to get.

Although we can say sex is the universal language of love, we can’t deny that culturally-based differences in sexual activity exist. Exploring different types of sexuality and sexual activity can be interesting, however, it also can be a bit overwhelming. After all, how many of you are having trouble understanding your own sexuality? Luckily, others can teach us about ourselves and learning about differences in how people have sex around the world can come in handy. So, if you’re a beginner, the best way to start your journey of sexual exploring is to boost your self-confidence, find a dependable wingman (Tinder) and above all to stay open-minded. Then, you can try your luck with 6 Easiest Ways to Get Laid on Tinder. Once you decide you’re “ready to go global” check our list of 10 easiest countries to get laid to find out what is the best country for one-night stands if you’re into that.

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World

KPG Payless2/Shutterstock.com

Now, let’s get back to our today’s topic and discuss why the countries on the list below are places where even the most experienced pickup artists have trouble getting laid. As we mentioned above, the cross-cultural differences when it comes to sex are something you should definitely be aware of when traveling to the foreign country. Because, besides personal, there are cultural reasons people (don’t) have sex. For instance, although sexual activity itself is not a taboo subject in the Muslim world, there’s a list of sexual acts that are not permitted in Islam. Their laws are set on religious principles that are a part of a longtime tradition. On the other hand, in western countries, laws are based on social and moral rules. In addition, the consequence of adultery in the western world is usually s divorce. Islam, on the other hand, prescribed severe punishment for a serious offense like adultery. So, better be careful when choosing where you want to get laid, it can be dangerous. In that way, Europe is safer, but it can be harmful to your wallet if you know what I mean.

So, to compile our list of hardest countries to get laid in the world we searched for countries with legal as well as cultural barriers for having sex outside of the marriage. We started our research with those countries that don’t consume much sex, guessing that people there are not very interested in sex or haven’t got enough time for it (yes, you read it right). Further, we looked for those countries which consider this “kind of fun” a legal offense or even a crime. We also checked different opinions on forums. In the end, we ranked countries randomly, however, those countries with severe punishments for adultery are placed higher on the list.

Please, let us know about your experience if you had a chance to visit one of the hardest countries to get laid in the world.

10. Japan

We are starting off with a country where people have long working hours, so they don’t have much time for their needs. According to statistics, this country has more dissatisfied than satisfied citizens when it comes to sex. When you add language barrier, it is quite a challenge getting your groove on in this country.

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World


9. Hungary

Do you know where in Budapest sex is allowed? It may surprise you but people there can have sex only in the dark. Even if you’re doing it in your home with your wife/husband. It’s not one of the easiest countries to get laid, right?

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World


8. India

Be sure to know if your new lady friend is single because if you have sex with someone else’s wife in India, you can end up in jail for five years. This only applies if you get caught, of course.

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World

India Picture/Shutterstock.com

7. Philippines

This conservative Christian country also has a penalty for unmarried couples who have sex. There is also a strict law about adultery.

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World

View Apart / Shutterstock.com

6. Hong Kong

Up next we have Hong Kong and its citizens who are also dissatisfied with their sex lives. Meanwhile, the rumors are that in Hong Kong a wife can legally kill her husband if he has committed adultery (but only with her bare hands).

5. Uruguay

Uruguay is country you definitely should skip if you planned just to get laid. If you get caught with a married woman in bed, her spouse (apparently) has the legal right to kill you both, or castrate you and slice off her nose.

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World


4. North Korea

Like many things, the sex between non−married couples is also prohibited in North Korea. There is a so-called “dating police,” tasked to ensure no such relationship occurs. We all heard about their prisons, so it might be better to skip North Korea if you want to get laid.

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World


3. Saudi Arabia

And now, things are getting serious on our list of hardest countries to get laid in the world. If you get caught with anyone but your wife⁄ husband, you can be whipped. It’s not worth it if you ask me.

2. Iran

The penalty for adultery in Iran is flogging, and unmarried man or women can get 100 strokes of the lash if proven guilty.

Hardest Countries to Get Laid in the World


1. Afghanistan

The Taliban still have a power in Afghanistan, and their brutal punishments for adultery are still in effect. Flogging and stoning are the usual penalty for sex outside marriage or adultery.

So, if you want to travel safely, be sure to obey the laws of the country you are planning to visit. Have in mind our list of the 10 hardest countries to get laid in the world and use protection.