7. New York
LGBT percentage: 4.5
New York has been known as a safe and liberal place for gay population and defense of gay rights in a long time. Some of the most striking events concerning the issue of being gay in modern society were the Stonewall Riots – violent demonstrations undertaken by members of LGBT community at Greenwich Village, NYC on June 28, 1969. The riots occurred as a protestation against anti-gay and homophobic part of society (and law) in the 50s and 60s and were seen as one of the first events of this kind. Since then, Greenwich Village has remained a core of LGBT community in the New York. A bar, The Stonewall Inn, in Greenwich Village has also become the first national monument to gay rights, as a tribute to those who took part in Stonewall Riots.

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Next in line on our list of gayest states in America in 2018 we have two states which share the 5th spot.