10 Funny Tinder Hookup Stories

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3. $150 For Sex

This guy had to pay $150 for sex but there’s more to it that it may sound like. After meeting a girl out at a party, they decided to go back to his place and resume the date. When they arrived, he realized that he had no keys and no wallet and he didn’t know what to do. He decided to throw a skateboard through the window so they can get in. After only 10 minutes, his housemates arrived and he had to pay to fix the window. It was $150. We don’t know whether it was worth it to him, but he sure could have saved those $150 if he just waited for ten minutes. You have to laugh at this situation. Now, let’s see the top two entries on our list of funny Tinder hookup stories.

10 Funny Tinder Hookup Stories


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