10 Funny Debate Topics for Middle School

If you’re looking for new debate ideas for school, check out our list of 10 funny debate topics for middle school.

No matter how much we badmouth it and dislike it, school teaches us many useful things. It helps us develop and voice our own opinions, and regardless of what one might think, education is a relevant factor in shaping our future. We may not realize this immediately and usually, it takes a while until we finally accept it. I strongly believe in the power of education and how it influences our choices later in life, our critical thinking abilities, and our aspirations. Nothing we learn in school is accidental and everything has a purpose, one that we can’t comprehend right away. Debates are pretty common in school and despite the common opinion that they are dull or unnecessary, the benefits of debating are numerous. For those who are not certain what those benefits are, I will name a few of them. First of all, when two (or more) students argue for or against something, they actually learn valuable lessons. It is impossible for two or more people to completely agree on everything in life. When debating, students often have to represent a point of view they might not agree with and they have to do it faithfully. Besides that, despite different opinions among students in the same group, they all still have to work together and give their best to successfully represent the position they don’t quite agree with. This teaches us to accept and welcome different opinions and to learn how to overcome difficulties regarding this matter when you have a common cause to defend or fight against.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School


Debating helps us develop skills that we will probably need sooner or later in many work related situations. The working environment is harsh and we often have to suppress our personal beliefs and simply do the job. We will also meet a lot of people whose opinions differ from ours, and we will have to work in a team comprised of completely different minded individuals. So the life skills we acquire through debates are really precious in ways we can’t even begin to realize at that age.

But this is not the only benefit from debating. Another useful skill that children acquire through debating is the ability to separate the speaker from the words spoken. People do not always hold the opinion they represent and we must not take it personally. This is important as we will often come across situations like these in our adulthood and we need to learn how to deal with them.

Through debating, students also come to see the power of reasoned arguments that help them improve their rhetorical abilities. They learn how to research, organize, and present information. When debating, students develop their presentation skills which are very appreciated in the working environment we mentioned earlier.  Probably one of the most important benefits of debates is boosting your confidence. By increasing confidence and self-esteem, students are able to present their arguments in a more convincing and compelling way and this is likely to be extremely valuable in their future. All these skills are essential for the child’s further development so it is important to work on acquiring these skills and help children become the best they can. We need to help them polish their skills and develop critical thinking as today’s middle school debaters are tomorrow’s leaders.

I could go on and on about the benefits of debating but I believe the essential ones are enough to convince you in the importance of debates. However, a debate does not have to contain a serious topic in order to be useful and educational. Many students dislike debating for this very reason as they find the topics dull for their age. In one of our previous articles, we wrote about 15 Persuasive Debate Topics for Elementary School Students, so those who are looking such topics can find them there. But today is all about lighter, funnier, and more casual debate topics for middle school students that can achieve the same results as any serious topic.

ThoughtCo and Lifestyle Lounge have a great number of suggestions regarding this matter. We chose the most interesting and fun topics to present to you so take a look at our 10 funny debate topics for middle school.

10. Dating Popular Men/Women or Intelligent Men/Women?

It can be pretty hilarious listening to middle school students discussing a topic like this. It is interesting because you may be surprised by their point of view regarding dating popular people vs.dating intelligent people. Students can debate in teams of two or three, or it can even be a one on one kind of debate.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School

Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock.com

9. Rock ’n’ Roll Music vs. Hip Hop

Those who like hip-hop have always had troubles understanding those who like rock n roll. In this debate number 9 on our list of funny debate topics for middle school, students must represent one of these two music genres in the best way regardless of their personal opinion and that is the beauty of it. It is trivial and fun topic for middle school students.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School

Teemu Tretjakov/Shutterstock.com

8. Best Pizza Topping?

Who doesn’t like pizza? Personally, I don’t know a child who dislikes pizza so the student or team that has to argue against it will have to try really hard on deciding what is the best pizza topping. It is certainly a fun topic and likely to arouse interest in students.

7. School pictures should be abolished

Many of us regret having our school pictures taken as we often turn out looking odd in them. We thought this debate topic is funny enough to include it in our list of 10 funny debate topics for middle school. While one student or team is for school pictures, the other team will have to present their arguments for abolishing them.

ESB Professional/Shutterstock.com

ESB Professional/Shutterstock.com

6. Wireless Service For Everyone?

Wherever we go, we are always in search of free wi-fi so we can check out social network profiles and see what did we miss. We usually don’t miss much but nevermind that. Considering how we all use the Internet daily, including middle school students, the question should the government provide wireless service for everyone makes a great and fun topic for them to polish their rhetorical skills. They will definitely have fun while doing it, too. Now, let’s see what else we have on our list of funny debate topics for middle school.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School


5. Should Homework be Banned?

This is an argument that most students would probably like to defend because you know, homework is not popular. It’s not news that we all hated doing that when we could be outside enjoying ourselves but hearing a student defend homework is probably so much fun! An inspiring topic anyway.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School


4. Harry Potter vs. Twilight?

Each of these series of books has their faithful fans who would passionately argue in their favor, but which one is better?  The debate topic number 4 on our list of funny debate topics for middle school is not only amusing but will be challenging considering how difficult it might be to disregard your personal opinion.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School

Oldrich / Shutterstock.com

3. Every Home Should Have a Pet

It probably safe to assume that all children like pets and would like to have one. This fun and light debate topic that ranks third on our list of funny debate topics for middle school can thus be a little challenging to those who must oppose to having pets. But nevertheless, it is an amusing topic for a debate.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School


2. Is Summer The Best Season?

Winter snow magic or summer water delights? Dipping in a big swimming pool or building a Snowman? Which one would you choose? Both seasons as popular among children so observing this debate must be really interesting.

1. Grades Should be Abolished

Our final suggestion among 10 funny debate topics for middle school may just be the favorite one. Grades have a major impact on our lives as students so you can expect them to be very passionate about this matter. Of course, one of the teams will have to actually argue for keeping grades but that’s what makes it funny.

10 Funny Debate Topics For Middle School

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com