If you are looking for a part-time job which is also interesting, then stick with us and read our list of 10 fun part-time job for adults.
Jobs are a great part of our lives. They are the place we go to every day and spend the biggest part of the day so it is important to like what you do. But how many of us actually like our jobs and don’t feel forced to leave to work every morning? Not many, I reckon. Most of us simply put up with all that because we need the money to support ourselves. Otherwise, we would not tolerate a job that is so boring and unfulfilling. It is especially difficult for young people to adjust to dull jobs and offices when there are so many fun things they could be doing.
If you are a college student looking to have an extra income or an adult with a tight schedule, then you will probably be looking for part-time jobs. What kind of a part-time job would be perfect for you, you’re wondering? Well, since we are all different, we each have our own definition of a perfect job, depending on what you wish to achieve with it. Is a flexible schedule relevant to you? Or do you prefer to have a well-paying part-time job and you don’t care about the shifts? Or maybe you are just into something fun that won’t be difficult to do but will be kind of enjoyable?
Anyway, once you figure out what kind of a part-time job you would prefer, then you can start searching for those jobs and applying. There is a vast pool of opportunities out there, some of which you might never hear of, but you just might find what you are looking for. Home-based jobs are very popular lately because you don’t need to leave your house in order to earn some money. You can do it from the comfort of your home so if you find this appealing then read our list of 16 Highest Paying Part-Time Jobs from Home.
In order to come up with this list, we visited Indeed, FlexJobs and Reddit. We chose the best for you so check out our list of 10 fun part-time job for adults.
10. Lifeguard
As a lifeguard, you can really enjoy your job which involves a swimming pool, sunny weather, and people having fun. For some lifeguard positions, you might need CPR training. Make sure you are qualified when you apply for the places that you would like to work for.
9. Dog trainer
If you are an animal lover then you can’t be bored by this job. If you are genuinely interested in working with dogs then you can start as an apprentice and learn how to help dog owners manage their pets and work on communication between them. The job can be done part-time
8. Court Typist/ Court Reporter/Audio Transcriber
A court typist is not the same as a stenographer although job descriptions sound the same which makes people get easily confused. A court typist is also referred to as court reporter, and it doesn’t require so much training as a stenographer. Basically, you make an audio recording of a hearing using special software. You must be able to type fast in order to become a typist.
7. Writing Blog Posts
Do you possess great writing skills? Then you will love our next suggestion among 10 fun part-time jobs for adults. Consider cashing in the skills and talent you have by writing blog posts for various blogs. It seems like everyone owns a blog nowadays, so there is a pretty high demand for writers, which is great for you if you seek a fun part-time job. As a blog posts writer, you might write about the things you know a lot of or a range of other topics as well.
6. Tutoring
Tutoring, the next on our list of fun part-time job for adults, always comes up as one of the best options on many job lists so we decided to include it in our 10 fun part-time jobs for adults. If you need a flexible schedule and a well-paying part-time job then look no further. Teaching or tutoring pays well and all you need to do is talk/teach about your area of expertise for an hour. It is not excluded that sometimes you might get bored, but most of the time you will get a feeling of satisfaction for having taught someone something.
5. Bartender/Barista
We are continuing our list of fun part-time job for adults with a bartender, who’s job is to mix up drinks behind the bar so you don’t have much responsibility. You can meet lots of people as they will probably want to talk to you (or hit on you) no matter if you are a guy or a girl. As a barista, you will only make coffee and coffee related drinks, which is pretty awesome since you can enjoy making your favorite drink and become really good at it. Plus, getting all those tips is surely fun!
4. Bowling Alley: Game Room Attendant
Working at a bowling alley is surely fun if you enjoy this game. Even if you don’t like it, you’ll learn to because you have lots of time to play this game. It’s a casual job that is hardly boring because you get to see a lot of energetic crowds and help them.
3. Movie Theater Cashier
Working at the movie theater, you don’t really have much work to do, but you can eat all the popcorn you want. As a part-time job, it is perfect for adults who wish to earn some extra money without having to do much. Now, let’s see the top two entries on our list of the fun part-time job for adults.
2. Makeup Artist
Do you like playing with makeup? Then this is the perfect part-time job on our list of the fun part-time job for adults for you! Working part-time, you can enjoy making people look pretty and trying out different types of makeup styles. With a few skills, you can become a makeup artist in no time.
1. Hair Stylist
Similar as our previous job on our list of 10 fun part-time job for adults, a hair stylist is a great option for those who like to play with hair. If you are skilled with fixing up people’s hair then you probably enjoy it, too. Trying out different hair styles resembles playing with a Barbie doll’s hair a little bit when you were a kid. Plus, the money is good as well.