3. New Zealand
Fraiser 2012 – 8.61/10
Cato 2013 – 8.58/10
Freedom House 2016 – 98/100
New Zealanders are more likely to live long and prosper since life expectancy rates are high, reaching 80 years for both men and women. The world’s least populated country is successful in protecting women’s rights since 1893, when for the first time they were allowed to vote. A century later, New Zealand’s top three positions of power were held by women. All citizens, native or newcomers are free to perform any religion, including the invention of a new one – the results of the 2001 census showed the existence of more than 50,000 followers of the so-called Jedi religion. Maybe they have too much spare time, thus allowing their spirit of inventiveness to go wild? And now, let’s see the top two freest countries in the world.

Pichugin Dmitry/Shutterstock.com