5. Denmark
Fraiser 2012 – 8.62/10
Cato 2013 – 8.58/10
Freedom House 2016 – 98/100
Being among the world’s tops when it comes to democracy, press, work-life balance, employment rate, and life satisfaction, it is hard not to feel free if you are living in Denmark, the next country on our list of freest countries in the world. Apparently, they are big fans of ‘paperless marriages’, and it seems that they are sexually more liberated than the rest of the Europe, with the exception of their neighbors-Finnish. In addition, a hippie commune ‘Christiania’ still exists and it’s a real blast from the past – even now, after 30 years there is a certain number of enthusiasts who are in search of an alternative lifestyle where they can be free and unconstrained. In this land of Vikings, even Shakespeare and Andersen set their minds free in the pursuit of inspiration. So, whether you are Carlsberg or Tuborg drinker, you will definitely experience the ’hygge’, the Danish special feeling of togetherness, while enjoying in one of the 80,000 clubs in this country. The only thing that might limit your freedom of movement is rainfall that occurs almost every second day. But, a good umbrella is a solution to that problem.

Fedor Selivanov/Shutterstock.com