8. Norway
Fraiser 2012 – 8.48/10
Cato 2013 – 8.48/10
Freedom House 2016 – 100/100
Norway has come the long way to become one of the 10 freest countries in the world, considering that they have a history of banning various things such as Monty Python movie ‘Life of Brain’ because of alleged blasphemy as well as boxing on TV on the grounds that it’s supposedly immoral. Nevertheless, nowadays Norwegians are experiencing all the benefits of living in one of the freest, wealthiest and most peaceful countries, according to the Global Peace Index. In the country where everything is transparent, from public records of income and wealth to the affairs of government officials, the frozen pizza biggest fans can relax in skiing resorts with no worries, whatsoever.

Nils Prause/Shutterstock.com