1. Finland
Fraiser 2012 – 8.63/10
Cato 2013 – 8.52/10
Freedom House 2016 – 100/100
Finally, we’ve reached the first place on our list of 10 freest countries in the world. So let’s see how free are Santa Claus and his compatriots. According to various studies, the Finns are unexcelled when it comes to press freedom, democracy, economy, environmental sustainability, childhood education and much more. These caffeine junkies are doing a great job because with only 100 years of independence they became a synonym for freedom. Finland might have a little awkward aura, considering their midnight sun and gloomy winters, but they learned to deal with it – an afternoon in the sauna, where they are free of clothes prevents the bad mood. On the other hand, all nature enthusiasts can sleep, swim, sail or fish literally anywhere. They even have festivals organized for things that are inappropriate or even forbidden in some places -so if you like, for example, to throw mobiles, and get a reward for it, go to Finland. After all, they have a history of connecting people.

Oleksiy Mark/Shutterstock.com