With summer break just around the corner, you’ll want to find some fun ways to keep your little ones busy while school’s out with this list of 10 free trial classes for children in NYC.
I don’t have kids, but keeping them occupied and finding things to fill their schedules seems like it takes a lot of time and energy (it also takes money, which is an entirely different issue). During the school year, it’s just a matter of filling the afternoon schedule once they have finished school for the day. However, when it’s time for summer break, you’re looking at week after empty week on their calendars. Obviously, it’s not very constructive to have kids sitting at home passing by the long summer days. It’s also not very realistic for busy parents, who need to make arraignments to have a babysitter, or someone supervising their children during the work day. While there’s Google, and word-of-mouth, when it comes to finding out information about the tons of kids classes offered in New York City, it can still be an overwhelming experience. When you finally decided on a few classes or programs you and your child are interested in, it will not always mean it’s a good fit for everyone. So, finding out the classes that are right for your child can be an entirely different battle in itself. Luckily, there are programs around the city that understand what parents go through, and are willing to offer trial classes for free, so you and your child can decide if their program is right for you, before you commit your money and time for a full semester.

Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock.com
By now, it’s pretty common knowledge that extracurricular activities have huge benefits for children. It gives them structure, additional education, and helps them to become more well-rounded. Later in life, it could make or break you on getting accepted to college. There are so many programs in New York City that cater to kid’s classes (for kids of all ages), it’s not too hard to find something to suit your child. From dancing to cooking, to exercise and music, there are too many options to count.
Parents, don’t worry, there’s plenty to keep you occupied too and you can check out some examples on this list of 17 fun classes to take in NYC.
To hopefully make the class search for your kid a little easier (and less time consuming) we came up with a list of free kids trial courses. To make the list diverse, we provided different categories of classes, using sources like Mommy Poppins, Kid on the Town, and Yelp. While we looked at reviews for the classes, to see if parents found them enjoyable, our list is ranked in no particular order, as there is no quantitative way to rank which classes are better than others.
Without further ado, let’s take a look at 10 free trial classes for children in NYC.