Here’s a great list of the fastest growing cities in America in 2015, but with plenty more up and coming cities, each year will be a bit of surprise. One thing that’s not surprising, is that most of the cities listed here are “feeding” off of their megacity counterpart. As you will notice, these new cities that are flourishing and becoming more and more desirable are just outside some of the biggest cities in the United States.
Nowadays, especially families, are looking for everything that a city has, without being right in the city. Why? Well, it’s pretty obvious that cost is a huge factor. Big cities equal big money. Also, when you’re raising a family, a bit of a quieter spot is certainly more appealing. On the other hand though, they certainly don’t want to give up the amenities and conveniences of a big city. So we now introduce to you the up and coming cities. They have everything you need and everything you could ever want, but they are still lacking the huge megapolis feel, and that’s a good thing!

As you will notice, Texas takes the cake. The Lone Star State is booming and the proof is in the numbers, literally. I included the population growth for the year that was provided by the US Census Bureau at the end of each description. The growth is staggering for some, and some have been working on their growth for decades and really deserve a spot on the list.
Another thing you’ll notice is the east coast is only mentioned once! A bit surprising to some, but I guess the west is just booming more. Is your city on here? Do you believe your city is next to be on one of these lists? Take a look at the top 10 fastest growing cities in America in 2015 and let us know what you think!